Cookies and Privacy
Daytot processes information about your visit using cookies to improve site performance, facilitate social media sharing and offer advertising tailored to your interested.
By continuing to browse our site, you agree to the use of these cookies. For more information see our
Privacy & Cookie Policy.
What are Daytot’s office opening times?
Daytot’s Head Office is based in Northern Ireland, UK. Our opening times are Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4.30pm GMT and Friday 8:00am – 2pm GMT.
Emails and social media messages received outside of these times are not monitored and will be responded to the next working day.
You can get in touch with us on +44 (0) 289 013 9337 or by emailing
Is my product covered by warranty?
All Daytot products are covered by a 12-month warranty period. Life expectancy of a Daytot product is 3 years. Life expectancy will vary depending on the frequency of use and number of washing cycles.
What is your returns policy?
We are happy to refund your product if returned within 14 days from receipt of your goods, and the item is in its original packaging & in a re-sellable condition. You can view our full returns policy, here.
Am I eligible for VAT Exemption/Relief on my Daytot Purchase?
If your child VAT reliefs for disabled people are not means-tested. They are not dependent on the benefits a disabled person may or may not get and a person does not have to be registered disabled in order to qualify. VAT exemption is available to:
A child who is ‘chronically sick or disabled’
A child is ‘chronically sick or disabled’ if they are a child with a:
physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out everyday activities
condition which the medical profession treats as a chronic sickness
If a parent, spouse or guardian acts on behalf of a ‘chronically sick or disabled’ child, your order is treated as being made to that ‘chronically sick or disabled’ person.
Simply enter the details on behalf of the child you are making the VAT exemption for (e.g., your child, patient, or relative) during the checkout process. This applies only to the UK and European countries.
VAT exemption forms may be completed online at the checkout, for private individuals, and charities that can provide a charity number for selected lines. VAT forms can also be sent via e-mail or post after an order has been placed. Please email us if you require the forms in this format. If you need any clarification on whether your order can be zero-rated please contact Daytot Customer Services on +44 (0) 289 013 933. If your order has been processed with VAT and you subsequently return a valid VAT exemption form, the company will refund the VAT paid.
How can I request a quote for a Daytot product?
Please email us at with your quote requirements, and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.
Why can't I purchase your products online?
Daytot products are currently only available to purchase online in the UK, ROI and some EU countries. We have partnered with distributors in the U.S, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany and Norway, to make our products more accessible for reimbursement and trials. Check our list of distribution partners to see if your country is covered, here.
If you would like to work with a distributor not currently listed, or wish to become a Daytot partner, please contact us by emailing
Sign up to our mailing list to be the first to hear about availability in your country, here: Join Mailing List
Do you sell in the U.S and are Daytot products covered by insurance?
We are now working exclusively with Adaptive Imports, LLC. in the USA.
To enquire about sales, demos and bulk orders, please complete the following information request form - The Adaptive Imports team is here to assist you.
We hope that various funding options will be available to support families who require financial support. We would encourage you to speak with your child’s therapist orpaediatrician in the first instance.
If you have questions regarding funding, please contact Adaptive Imports at, providing details of which State you are in, and they will assist you.
I am getting funding and cannot pay online. Can I pay any other way?
Daytot accepts payment by cheque, or you can place your order via the telephone using any major credit or debit card. We can also arrange for payment via PayPal. Please email us at and we will be happy to help.
Please note that items will not be shipped until payment has been received.
I need help choosing the right size or setting up the Daytot Joey.
We have created a suite of 'How To' videos, to help our community with purchasing and setting up the Daytot Joey.
You can access our tutorial videos here. If you need any further support, please contact us via our social channels, call us on +44 (0) 289 013 9337 or via email
Can I become an influencer or blogger?
At Daytot, we believe in creating life-enhancing products that make life easier and more enjoyable for parents and babies. We create products that support babies on their daily developmental journey and will be there for families every step of the way. That’s why we’re always looking to work with parents and therapists who can help bring the story behind our brand and products to new families.
If you’d like to blog for us, share your story, or contribute to our influencer programme, please email or get in touch via social media.
Are Daytot products medically tested and registered?
Daytot products have undergone rigorous testing to comply with the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and are registered as Class 1 Medical Devices with the FDA and MHRA. You can view our declaration of conformity here. Furthermore, Daytot is ISO13485 certified, you can view our certification here.
For all other enquiries, please contact us at