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Collaboration &
Our collaborative partnerships with universities and hospitals bring together leading researchers in the field of infant neuroscience and kinesiology, award-winning product designers and leading neonatal and pediatric physical therapy specialists.

Developing Joey
The original design dubbed 'CrawliSkate', was concepted by Dr Marianne Barbu-Roth and her colleagues at the Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Centre, University Paris Citè.
Following an extensive collaboration and clinical trials, Daytot have developed a novel, research-based crawling product, which facilitates the training of reciprocal movement for infants at risk of motor delay.
"A product that promotes tummy time and crawling is to be applauded. The benefits of achieving the motor milestone of crawling for any infant, and especially a child at risk of developmental delay is vast and must be encouraged." Donna Murphy, Paediatric Physiotherapist, UK
The Science
Co-Inventor, Dr Marianne Barbu-Roth, explains, “Many studies have demonstrated that there is a link between how babies walk as newborns, and how they walk as adults. With this in mind, it emerged as essential to study the characteristics of this primitive form of walking, as well as links to environment and the importance of early training in children at risk of delays to their locomotor skills.
Following the significant findings of an initial test based on the findings of 60 2-day old typical babies, (Forma et al., 2019), Dr Marianne Barbu-Roth and her colleagues conducted a two-year study to test the efficiency of Joey, to stimulate the active propulsion and motor development of very preterm infants (24 – 32 weeks GA).
Joey Research
Our research has shown encouraging findings based on early motor training of extremely premature infants. The results show that early training has a positive effect in reducing the risk of gross motor delay when implemented from term and used daily.
By providing extremely premature babies with the correct support to actively move at an early age, it is possible to encourage the early development of motor skills, to reduce the risk of early-years developmental delay.
Research Findings
Training with Joey started between 37 and 40-weeks GA. The study included 44 infants, separated into 3 groups, and receiving the following: Joey training of 5-minutes per day, training on a paediatric mattress in prone for 5-minutes per day and a no training (control) group.
- Joey trained infants had better sustained sitting ability at 2 months
- At 6 months, 50% of Joey trained babies could step with light hand support
- At 9 months, 60% of Joey trained infants could crawl independently compared to only 20% in the Mattress and 38% in the Control group.
- At 12 months, 40% of Joey trained infants could walk with five independent steps compared to only 14.3% in the Control Group.
- Joey trained babies developed better head control, better sitting, rolling, and standing postures, compared to the other groups.
Based on these findings, we propose that Joey training continues until 6 months (CGA) and is used as an early intervention therapy tool, to aid clinicians and encourage parents to actively participate in daily therapy at home as part of their routine.
Research Publication
Stimulating the motor development of very premature infants: effects of early crawling training on a mini-skateboard. Copyright: © 2023 Dumuids-Vernet, Forma, Provasi, Anderson, Hinnekens, Soyez, Strassel, Guéret, Hym, Huet, Granjon, Calamy, Dassieu, Boujenah, Dollat, Biran and Barbu-Roth.
Download a free copy of the Joey clinical research, as published in Frontiers in Pediatrics.
We believe early
intervention is key
At Daytot, we believe that by intervening from day one, you can help babies at risk of delay catch up and make progress towards achieving age-appropriate developmental milestones.
Achieving Developmental Milestones
Early intervention services and therapies are important for babies who are at risk of a disability or delay as, when used effectively and as early as possible, they can have a positive impact on that child’s future development, including their -
- Physical Development
- Social Development
- Emotional Development
- Cognitive Development
Research shows that early intervention programmes and products that allow therapists and parents to work together, like Joey does, have a greater influence on a child’s future development.
Downloads & Resources
We have worked with leading clinical specialists in early intervention, to create relevant, educational materials for parents & professionals.
Journal: Stimulating the Motor Development of Very Premature Infants - Effects of Early Crawling Training
Daytot Neo+ Therapy Guide
Daytot Audit: Use of the Neo+ in Clinical Environment
Research Summary
Why Crawling is Important
Why Crawl Poster
Arguments for Daily Training of all Premature Infants
ATNAT Neurological Assessment
The Case for the Use of Joey for an Infant at Risk of Motor Disability
Torticollis Treatment Worksheet
Treating Torticollis Poster
Joey Sample Letter of Medical Necessity
If you would like to work with Daytot to create evidence-based case stories, email us at